CCWDM Module
Fiber To The Antenna (FTTA)FTTA is a broadband network architecture to connect the building base band unit (BBU)
These solutions are compatible with the modern active network equipment and allow multiplexing of different traffic flows like 10 100 1000 10G 100G Ethernet, SDH (STM 1 4 16 64), ATM, ESCON, Fibre Channel, FTTx and CATV over one or two optical fiber
FTTX Solution
The data center room wiring system is composed of two parts: SAN network wiring system and network cabling system In computer systems engineering
3C-LINK Passive Catalogue
CCWDM is Compact CWDM (Compact Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing), which is a wavelength division multiplexing technology based on TFF (Thin Film Filter) It works in the same way as CWDM modules
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